Tuesday, May 11, 2021

SEO tips for blog posts For improving their search rankings.

Many of our subscribers have requested that we exchange SEO tips for blog posts For improving their search rankings.

While it is easier to customize your blog material for SEO that you made, you can always go back and modify older posts.

Blog SEO is relevant because it lets you bring more visitors to your website regularly. There are many tasks you can do to improve the SEO of your blog posts.


We'll share our best blog SEO following tips to help you perfect your blog entries for SEO like a pro. These are the strategies we use on our forum, which receives millions of users via search engines.

  1. Do your homework. For on-page optimization, keyword analysis is mandatory. By delivering Important content on a subject, you're likely to use keywords without even noticing it. However, you might not have considered a range of methods and strategies for locating similar keywords important to your blog post. Both the Google Adwords Keyword Tool and semrush.com are excellent resources for finding keywords similar to your subject, as well as spying on your competitors to see what words and phrases they are using to drive traffic to their pages.
  2. Use keywords in the article. It's critical to put your appropriate keywords where they'll affect humans and search engine crawlers. It Indexing your content after you've chosen a few.

    Make an effort to involve them in the following areas:


                 • Title 

                 • Headings and subheadings

                 • Title tags and meta descriptions


Avoid keyword stuffing: which is the practice of stuffing the material with several keywords that have become impossible to understand. Keyword stuffing will not only irritate the blog readers, but it will also result in a penalty.


3.Make sure the photos are optimized. Be sure to include keywords in the file name and fill out the alternative text field with a short, keyword-rich explanation of the Image if you upload a photo to your site.



4Use hyperlinks to refer to others. Have a link to the material you're referring to when you reference another writer or article in your blog post. It was not only blogging etiquette, but you could get lucky and get a connection back as well. Any site that wants to rank higher in search results pages needs high-quality content.

5 Provide readers with the option of subscribing to your blog. Include prominent RSS or Feed Access Buttons and, if necessary, allow viewers to subscribe to any posts via email. It helps your blog readers to get automatic notifications. About new posts without having to search your homepage for new material regularly.

6 Use social media to increase the number of people who see the blog posts. You may be using Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and other such social media platforms to communicate with future and existing clients as a small company. Free programs like Hootsuite make it easy to share links to your most recent blog post through all of your social media accounts in only a few taps. You can also plan and prepare your updates.


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Motivational story for children's


Carl, a wealthy landowner, would often ride across his large farm, congratulating himself on his great fortune. He came across Hans, an old tenant farmer while driving around his estates on his beloved horse. Carl rode by while Hans was sitting under a tree.

'I was just giving Thanks for my rice,' Hans said.

'If that what I wanted to eat, I wouldn't feel like offering thanks,' Carl objected.

'God has provided me with everything I require, and I am grateful for it,' Hans responded.

'Interestingly, you would come by today,

I had a nightmare last night,' the old farmer said. 'The richest man in the valley will die tonight,' said a voice in my dream. I'm not sure what it entails, but I thought I'd let you know.'

'Dreams are nonsense,' Carl snorted, galloping backward, but he couldn't ignore Hans' words...

The valley's wealthiest guy will die tonight.

Since he was the wealthiest man in the valley, he called his doctor to dinner that night. Carl informed the doctor of Hans's remarks. 'Carl, you are as solid and sound as a horse,' the doctor told the landowner after a careful inspection. You're not going to die tonight,' says the narrator.

Nonetheless, the doctor sat with Carl for safety's sake, and the two of them played cards all night. Carl apologized for being too angry about the old man's dream when the doctor left the next day.

Carl's door was knocked at about nine o'clock by a courier.

'What exactly is it?' Carl was adamant.

'It was about aged Hans,' the messenger said. He passed away peacefully last night.'

You don't need money to be wealthy; being grateful for what you have in life would make you happy.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Wednesday inspiration: Meena Achieved her goal

 Meena is a polite and reserved little girl. She does, though, love playing soccer. Meena's classmates and colleagues tease her about her soccer obsession. Despite this, she remains committed to pursuing her dream of being a professional soccer player.

Meena rushes through her homework and soccer practice every day when she gets home from classes. Her mother recognizes Meena's passion for the sport and backs her up in every way.

Meena agrees to compete in the interschool tournaments when they are invited to school. Her students taunt her again when she participates n the selection hearings. They are surprised, though, when Meena performs well and is selected to represent the school by the judges. Everyone become silent because of the willpower of Meena

What we learned from this story: Through ridicule from some, determination, goodwill, and focus must help you accomplish even the most difficult of goals.